It's Women in Construction Week.
Let’s celebrate the amazing work women are doing in the industry.
When I was studying engineering in college, there were very few “girls” in my classes. Typically only a couple of us.
There were even fewer women in the construction industry back then too.
I don’t recall any other women on the first construction job site I worked on.
Still today, women only comprise about 11% of the construction workforce. And only 13% of construction firms are owned by women.
Did you know that most gender-diverse companies are 25% more likely to achieve above-average profitability than companies with less diversity?
If you know women in other industries, or girls in middle school or high school, who you believe might be a great fit for the construction industry, encourage them!
The construction industry is dynamic, exciting and very rewarding.
It’s a great time for women to choose the construction industry!